南马大城市新山的长途巴士转换站在拉庆Larkin ,近几年逐渐翻新后,逐渐变得比较舒适。
所以就发现了市场顶楼有个美食閣,分为华人食物区与马来食物区(只是食物符不符合清真要求),上次就介绍了给archisteem 大腿 @kimzwarch 让他清晨抵达新山时有个吃早餐的好地方。(其实自己也想知道早上的巴刹有没美食)
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
新加坡血库之多美歌 Blood Donation @Dhoby Ghaut
上星期特地去光明山捐血却因为服用中药挡了下来:[捐血记(差一点)Blood Donation (nearly)](https://steemit.com/cn-malaysia/@auleo/blood-donation-nearly), 这个星期就学乖 了,早在几天前就停用泡參(幸好没弄得我工作表现大掉)。
>Last weekend I was rejected to do blood donation during the Singapore Red Cross roadshow at Khor Meng San [Blood Donation (nearly)](https://steemit.com/cn-malaysia/@auleo/blood-donation-nearly) as I filled the declaration form that I took Chinese herb. This week I am well prepared that stop take in Chinese herb few days before blood donation, luckily enough not affecting much my work performance.
新加坡红十字会的捐血活动除了流动性质、类似路演去全岛各处办捐血活动,也有4个捐血站是固定每天开放的(除了公共假期),这一次就去了乌节路的捐血站(@dhoby ghaut xchange)
>Singapore Red Cross Blood Donation drive not only have the road shows , go around the island , but they do have 4 permanent blood donation stations namely Bloodbank@HSA, Bloodbank@Dhoby Ghaut, Bloodbank@Woodlands & Bloodbank@Westgate Tower. And this time @auleo went to the one nearer to me - @Bloodbank@Dhoby Ghaut Xchange.
>First time ever @auleo donate blood at the blood bank, and I thought the location was at the Red Cross building not far away from the MRT station, Only when stop aside to double check only knew that I went to wrong place and U-turn back to MRT station.
>It looks much better to do blood donation at the blood bank as the facilities here looks more complete, the donation seats also much confortable- Should consider seriously the next time to donate here in blood bank instead, as more convenient to travel back home with MRT also.
>The food at snack station looks the same type same supplier.
同时捐血后补给休息的,@auleo 发现除了本身以外,竟然另三名捐血者也是大马人,一名菲律宾人,还有另3名应该是本地人。根据十字会数据,全年只有大约2%新加坡人捐血,那如果情况好像今天一样,那一半捐献者不就是非新加坡公民捐献了。
>When rest after the blood donation, @auleo found aside from myself, there are 3 more donors are also Malaysians knowing from their accent, 1 Philippine guy and 3 more are the locals. According to the statistics from Singapore Red Cross, there were only 2% adults donate blood in Singapore, If follow the sampling rate as observed today, then half the donors are non-citizens.
>Anyway, today is a beautiful Sunday, as I feel grateful as able to contribute little to the society.
上星期收到新加坡红十字会的信函,说下来六月尾有个世界捐血者日,到时凭着信件去到Garden By The Bay 就可以优惠价购买那两个室内花园的入门票,算是小小犒赏新加坡捐血者吧?呵呵
>Received a letter from Singapore Red Cross, that end of June, there will be a World Blood Donor Days held at Marina Garden By the Bay. And we could purchase the 2 garden entrance tickets with a discounted price (S$6, limit to 2 tickets per letter though), as a token of appreciation to the Blood Donors